Water Based Paints For Decoupage
Gesso can be used to create a perfectly smooth and blemish-free surface. Theres also colored gessoes available. You can apply gesso to wood, bisque, and eggs. A smooth surface may require four to six coats. Lightly dry sand each coat and wipe off dust with a damp sponge. After the last coat, wet sand with superfine sandpaper. The gesso will be gooey but when it dries, the top is smooth. You can mix paint using the gesso to make canadien goose personal colored gesso. Gesso is important on wooden boxes with rough routed edges and means that they require fewer coats of varnish. Usually, canadien goose need only wipe the gesso on with a bit of cloth and wipe off. This leaves a thin layer.
You may make canadien goose own gesso by mixing equal areas of PVA glue and whiting. Whiting can be found at paint stores and sporting supply stores. Its used for marking lines on athletic fields.
Theres two various kinds of crackle medium Body is applied between coats of paint and one on top of the finished work. The size and shape of the crackles depends upon the sponge canadien goose utilize. The greater the holes in the sponge, the larger the crackles. Sponge on canadien goose topcoat thickly and quickly, rotating the sponge along the way. Dont go back over areas canadien gooseve covered. Crackling will start immediately, so canadien goose cant go back without destroying the crackles.
When planning canadien goose crackling, decide which color will be the top color and which is to function as the crackle. Using contrasting colors provides a more pleasing result. For instance, for any red box with white crackles, paint the white first, then crackle medium, then red paint. Allow dry for forty-five minutes after applying.
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