Tuesday, 11 December 2012

canadian goose jackets for sale Water Advisories Is your beach safe to swim in this weekend

Water Advisories Is the beach safe to swim in this weekend

In 1998, five of Floridas coastal counties began monitoring for enterococci bacteria within grant-funded pilot program. By the beginning of 2000 it expanded to 11 Florida counties. By the fall of 2000, program was extended to 34 of Floridas coastal counties through state legislation and funding. Additionally, sampling under the new program now includes fecal coliform as well as enterococci bacteria. In August 2002, the beach water sampling program began collecting water samples on a weekly basis.

Fecal coliform and enterococci are both enteric bacteria that normally exist in the digestive tract of humans and animals. The presence of this kind of bacteria is an indication of fecal pollution, which might originate from storm water runoff, wildlife, pets and human sewage. If they are present in high concentrations in recreational waters and are swallowed while swimming or enter the bloodstream via a cut, it can cause infections and rashes.

Here locally there is a Pinellas County Saltwater Advisory put out for all of the Courtney Campbell Beach area in Pinellas County Florida. This will be significant because it is the most popular area for both humans and pets. In addition it is going to be VERY crowded with swimmers in that area due to the Fourth of july falling on the weekend.

The Pinellas County Health Department has issued this advisory for that Courtney Campbell Beach in Pinellas County, based on the EPA recommended marine water bacterial indicator for fecal coliform. This area should be considered a possible health risk to swimmers. Humans and pets should avoid the water.

Based on the report, the waters of Courtney Campbell Beach were sampled June 29, 2009 and again on July 1, 2009. The water will be re-sampled in a few days, with results expected at the end each week. THAT means there should be no swimming in those waters until in a few days. Which includes Fourth of july weekend. Sorry folks!

Luckily there are lots of other beaches which are safe, Take a look at the next connect to find out if canadian goose jackets for sale Florida beach is safe to swim within this weekend! Florida Healthy Beach Program

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